Organization of data and control flow as well as handling of reactive and temporal events. This discipline corresponds to the Section 2.2.2 in the SWEBOK.
In the Scenario Building phase, environment features, constraints and characteristics are defined. Furthermore, the robot's task is defined. This includes the specification of customer acceptance tests to be performed in the specified and potentially generalized environment.
Key | Title | Authors | Year | Formalism |
knoop2007automatic | Automatic robot programming from learned abstract task knowledge | Knoop, Steffen and Pardowitz, Michael and Dillmann, R\ udiger | 2007 | |
gritzner2018synthesizing | Synthesizing Executable PLC Code for Robots from Scenario-Based GR(1) Specifications | Gritzner, Daniel and Greenyer, Joel | 2018 | |
Detzner2019Novel | A Novel Task Language for Natural Interaction in Human-Robot Systems for Warehouse Logistics | Peter Detzner and Thomas Kirks and Jana Jost | 2019 | ANTLR |
garcia2019high | High-level mission specification for multiple robots | Garc\ \ia, Sergio and Pelliccione, Patrizio and Menghi, Claudio and Berger, Thorsten and Bures, Tomas | 2019 | |
menghi2019Specification | Specification Patterns for Robotic Missions | C. Menghi and C. Tsigkanos and P. Pelliccione and C. Ghezzi and T. Berger | 2019 |
In the Functional Design phase, hardware requirements and top-level functionalities are derived based on the scenario definition. Furthermore, top-level functionalities are decomposed and dependencies among them are identified. Also an initial functional design stating which functionalities interact with each other is developed.
Key | Title | Authors | Year | Formalism |
coste1997maestro | The maestro language and its environment: Specification, validation and control of robotic missions | Coste-Maniere, Eve and Turro, Nicolas | 1997 | unknown |
dhouib2012robotml | Robotml, a domain-specific language to design, simulate and deploy robotic applications | Dhouib, Saadia and Kchir, Selma and Stinckwich, Serge and Ziadi, Tewfik and Ziane, Mikal | 2012 | UML/MOF |
fleurey2009domain | A domain specific modeling language supporting specification, simulation and execution of dynamic adaptive systems | Fleurey, Franck and Solberg, Arnor | 2009 | ecore |
gordillo1991high | LE: a high level language for specifying vision verification tasks | Gordillo, Jose L | 1991 | unknown |
kang20053d | 3d virtual prototyping of home service robots using asadal/obj | Kang, Kyo Chul and Kim, Moonzoo and Lee, Jaejoon and Kim, Byungkil and Hong, Youngjin and Lee, Hyoungki and Bang, Seokwon | 2005 | unknown |
nordmann2015modeling | Modeling of Movement Control Architectures based on Motion Primitives using Domain-Specific Languages | Arne Nordmann and Sebastian Wrede and Jochen J. Steil | 2015 | |
ortiz2014component | A Component-Based Meta-Model and Framework in the Model Driven Toolchain C-Forge | Ortiz, Francisco J and Alonso, Diego and Rosique, Francisca and S\ anchez-Ledesma, Francisco and Pastor, Juan A | 2014 | unknown |
ramirez2011automatic | Automatic derivation of utility functions for monitoring software requirements | Ramirez, Andres J and Cheng, Betty HC | 2011 | |
thomas2013new | A New Skill Based Robot Programming Language Using UML/P Statecharts | Thomas, Ulrike and Hirzinger, Gerd and Rumpe, Bernhard and Schulze, Christoph and Wortmann, Andreas | 2013 | other |
gritzner2018synthesizing | Synthesizing Executable PLC Code for Robots from Scenario-Based GR(1) Specifications | Gritzner, Daniel and Greenyer, Joel | 2018 | |
Detzner2019Novel | A Novel Task Language for Natural Interaction in Human-Robot Systems for Warehouse Logistics | Peter Detzner and Thomas Kirks and Jana Jost | 2019 | ANTLR |
In the Platform Building phase, the robot hardware is determined. This includes the selection and potential configuration of robot's sensors and actuators meeting the requirements defined in the functional design phase.
Key | Title | Authors | Year | Formalism |
datta2012robostudio | Robostudio: A visual programming environment for rapid authoring and customization of complex services on a personal service robot | Datta, Chandan and Jayawardena, Chandimal and Kuo, I Han and MacDonald, Bruce A | 2012 | unknown |
gobillot2014modeling | A Modeling Framework for Software Architecture Specification and Validation | Gobillot, Nicolas and Lesire, Charles and Doose, David | 2014 | unknown |
kang20053d | 3d virtual prototyping of home service robots using asadal/obj | Kang, Kyo Chul and Kim, Moonzoo and Lee, Jaejoon and Kim, Byungkil and Hong, Youngjin and Lee, Hyoungki and Bang, Seokwon | 2005 | unknown |
kim2003task | Task description language for underwater robots | Kim, Tae Won and Yuh, Junku | 2003 | (E)BNF |
nishiyama1998logic | Logic specifications for multiple robots based on a current programming language | Nishiyama, Hiroyuki and Ohwada, Hayato and Mizoguchi, Fumio | 1998 | unknown |
ramaswamy2014solution | Solution space modeling for robotic systems | Ramaswamy, Arun Kumar and Monsuez, Bruno and Tapus, Adriana | 2014 | ecore |
gritzner2018synthesizing | Synthesizing Executable PLC Code for Robots from Scenario-Based GR(1) Specifications | Gritzner, Daniel and Greenyer, Joel | 2018 |
In the Capability Building phase, basic and composite components are constructed up to the application-level and constraints for their deployment are specified. This also includes the specification and eventually generation of additional knowledge required for component execution such as knowledge bases and training data.
Key | Title | Authors | Year | Formalism |
aertbelien2014etasl | eTaSL/eTC: A constraint-based task specification language and robot controller using expression graphs | Aertbeli\ en, Erwin and De Schutter, Joris | 2014 | |
aggarwal1994specification | Specification and automated implementation of coordination protocols in distributed controls for flexible manufacturing cells | Aggarwal, Sudhir and Mitra, Sandeep and Jagdale, Sanjay S | 1994 | unknown |
alonso2010v3cmm | V3cmm: A 3-view component meta-model for model-driven robotic software development | Alonso, Diego and Vicente-Chicote, Cristina and Ortiz, Francisco and Pastor, Juan and Alvarez, Barbara | 2010 | ecore |
berenz2014targets | Targets-Drives-Means: A declarative approach to dynamic behavior specification with higher usability | Berenz, Vincent and Suzuki, Kenji | 2014 | unknown |
biggs2008evaluating | Evaluating a reactive semantics for robotics | Biggs, Geoffrey and MacDonald, Bruce A | 2008 | |
bouzouia1998three | A three-layer workcell control architecture design | Bouzouia, Brahim and Guerroumi, Fawzi and Boukhezar, Abdelmalek | 1998 | unknown |
coste1997maestro | The maestro language and its environment: Specification, validation and control of robotic missions | Coste-Maniere, Eve and Turro, Nicolas | 1997 | unknown |
dai2002specifying | Specifying behavior in C++ | Dai, Xiangtian and Hager, Gregory and Peterson, John | 2002 | |
dantam2011motion | The motion grammar for physical human-robot games | Dantam, Neil and Koine, P and Stilman, Mike | 2011 | other |
dantam2012linguistic | Linguistic transfer of human assembly tasks to robots | Dantam, Neil and Essa, Irfan and Stilman, Mike | 2012 | (E)BNF |
datta2012robostudio | Robostudio: A visual programming environment for rapid authoring and customization of complex services on a personal service robot | Datta, Chandan and Jayawardena, Chandimal and Kuo, I Han and MacDonald, Bruce A | 2012 | unknown |
de2012scripting | A Scripting-Based Approach to Robot Behavior Engineering using Hierarchical Generators | de Haas, Thijs Jeffry and Laue, Tim and Rofer, T | 2012 | unknown |
dhouib2012robotml | Robotml, a domain-specific language to design, simulate and deploy robotic applications | Dhouib, Saadia and Kchir, Selma and Stinckwich, Serge and Ziadi, Tewfik and Ziane, Mikal | 2012 | UML/MOF |
fayman1999av | AV-shell, an environment for autonomous robotic applications using active vision | Fayman, Jeffrey A and Rivlin, Ehud and Christensen, Henrik I | 1999 | unknown |
fleurey2009domain | A domain specific modeling language supporting specification, simulation and execution of dynamic adaptive systems | Fleurey, Franck and Solberg, Arnor | 2009 | ecore |
fleury1994design | Design of a modular architecture for autonomous robot | Fleury, Sara and Herrb, Matthieu and Chatila, Raja | 1994 | unknown |
freund2001state | State oriented modeling as enabling technology for projective virtual reality | Freund, Eckhard and Schluse, Michael and Rossmann, J\ urgen | 2001 | unknown |
gat1991alfa | Alfa: A language for programming reactive robotic control systems | Gat, Erann | 1991 | unknown |
gobillot2014modeling | A Modeling Framework for Software Architecture Specification and Validation | Gobillot, Nicolas and Lesire, Charles and Doose, David | 2014 | unknown |
gordillo1991high | LE: a high level language for specifying vision verification tasks | Gordillo, Jose L | 1991 | unknown |
horswill2000functional | Functional programming of behavior-based systems | Horswill, Ian Douglas | 2000 | |
joyeux2010managing | Managing plans: Integrating deliberation and reactive execution schemes | Joyeux, Sylvain and Kirchner, Frank and Lacroix, Simon | 2010 | unknown |
kang20053d | 3d virtual prototyping of home service robots using asadal/obj | Kang, Kyo Chul and Kim, Moonzoo and Lee, Jaejoon and Kim, Byungkil and Hong, Youngjin and Lee, Hyoungki and Bang, Seokwon | 2005 | unknown |
kim2003task | Task description language for underwater robots | Kim, Tae Won and Yuh, Junku | 2003 | (E)BNF |
kovsecka1997experiments | Experiments in behavior composition | Ko\vseck\ a, Jan | 1997 | other |
kubica2002creating | Creating a smarter membrane: Automatic code generation for modular self-reconfigurable robots | Kubica, Jeremy and Rieffel, Eleanor | 2002 | unknown |
kulakowski2012modeling | Modeling robot behavior with CCL | Ku\lakowski, Konrad and Szmuc, Tomasz | 2012 | |
loetzsch2006xabsl | XABSL-a pragmatic approach to behavior engineering | Loetzsch, Martin and Risler, Max and Jungel, Matthias | 2006 | (E)BNF |
mackenzie1995specification | Specification and execution of multiagent missions | MacKenzie, Douglas C and Cameron, Jonathan M and Arkin, Ronald C | 1995 | unknown |
maenpaa2004distributed | A distributed architecture for executing complex tasks with multiple robots | Maenpaa, Topi and Tikanmaki, Antti and Riekki, Jukka and Roning, Juha | 2004 | XSD |
mallet2002specification | A specification of generic robotics software components: future evolutions of G en o M in the Orocos context | Mallet, Anthony and Fleury, Sara and Bruyninckx, Herman | 2002 | (E)BNF |
nishiyama1998logic | Logic specifications for multiple robots based on a current programming language | Nishiyama, Hiroyuki and Ohwada, Hayato and Mizoguchi, Fumio | 1998 | unknown |
nordmann2015modeling | Modeling of Movement Control Architectures based on Motion Primitives using Domain-Specific Languages | Arne Nordmann and Sebastian Wrede and Jochen J. Steil | 2015 | |
o2014automatic | Automatic Verification of Autonomous Robot Missions | O’Brien, Matthew and Arkin, Ronald C and Harrington, Dagan and Lyons, Damian and Jiang, Shu | 2014 | unknown |
ortiz2014component | A Component-Based Meta-Model and Framework in the Model Driven Toolchain C-Forge | Ortiz, Francisco J and Alonso, Diego and Rosique, Francisca and S\ anchez-Ledesma, Francisco and Pastor, Juan A | 2014 | unknown |
peterson1999language | A language for declarative robotic programming | Peterson, John and Hager, Gregory D and Hudak, Paul | 1999 | other |
ramaswamy2014solution | Solution space modeling for robotic systems | Ramaswamy, Arun Kumar and Monsuez, Bruno and Tapus, Adriana | 2014 | ecore |
ramirez2011automatic | Automatic derivation of utility functions for monitoring software requirements | Ramirez, Andres J and Cheng, Betty HC | 2011 | |
rugg1994formal | A formal semantics for multiple vehicle task and motion planning | Rugg-Gunn, Neil and Cameron, Stephen | 1994 | other |
rusakov2014simple | Simple concurrency for robotics with the Roboscoop framework | Rusakov, Andrey and Shin, Jiwon and Meyer, Bertrand | 2014 | unknown |
simmons1998task | A task description language for robot control | Simmons, Reid and Apfelbaum, David | 1998 | (E)BNF |
steck2011managing | Managing execution variants in task coordination by exploiting design-time models at run-time | Steck, Andreas and Schlegel, Christian | 2011 | |
sun2012model | A model-driven approach to support engineering changes in industrial robotics software | Sun, Yu and Gray, Jeff and Bulheller, Karlheinz and von Baillou, Nicolaus | 2012 | |
thomas2013new | A New Skill Based Robot Programming Language Using UML/P Statecharts | Thomas, Ulrike and Hirzinger, Gerd and Rumpe, Bernhard and Schulze, Christoph and Wortmann, Andreas | 2013 | other |
tousignant2011overview | An overview of XRobots: A hierarchical state machine based language | Tousignant, Steve and Van Wyk, Eric and Gini, Maria | 2011 | silver |
tousignant2012xrobots | XRobots: A flexible language for programming mobile robots based on hierarchical state machines | Tousignant, Steve and Van Wyk, Eric and Gini, Maria | 2012 | unknown |
wang2001reconfigurable | Reconfigurable software for open architecture controllers | Wang, Shige and Shin, Kang G | 2001 | unknown |
woithe2009programming | A programming architecture for smart autonomous underwater vehicles | Woithe, Hans C and Kremer, Ulrich | 2009 | other |
gritzner2018synthesizing | Synthesizing Executable PLC Code for Robots from Scenario-Based GR(1) Specifications | Gritzner, Daniel and Greenyer, Joel | 2018 |
In the System Deployment phase, top-level component(s) are packaged into a complete application system which defines a mapping of components and composites to computational units. Furthermore, features and procedures for system launch management are developed.
Key | Title | Authors | Year | Formalism |
alonso2010v3cmm | V3cmm: A 3-view component meta-model for model-driven robotic software development | Alonso, Diego and Vicente-Chicote, Cristina and Ortiz, Francisco and Pastor, Juan and Alvarez, Barbara | 2010 | ecore |
bouzouia1998three | A three-layer workcell control architecture design | Bouzouia, Brahim and Guerroumi, Fawzi and Boukhezar, Abdelmalek | 1998 | unknown |
datta2012robostudio | Robostudio: A visual programming environment for rapid authoring and customization of complex services on a personal service robot | Datta, Chandan and Jayawardena, Chandimal and Kuo, I Han and MacDonald, Bruce A | 2012 | unknown |
dhouib2012robotml | Robotml, a domain-specific language to design, simulate and deploy robotic applications | Dhouib, Saadia and Kchir, Selma and Stinckwich, Serge and Ziadi, Tewfik and Ziane, Mikal | 2012 | UML/MOF |
gobillot2014modeling | A Modeling Framework for Software Architecture Specification and Validation | Gobillot, Nicolas and Lesire, Charles and Doose, David | 2014 | unknown |
loetzsch2006xabsl | XABSL-a pragmatic approach to behavior engineering | Loetzsch, Martin and Risler, Max and Jungel, Matthias | 2006 | (E)BNF |
mallet2002specification | A specification of generic robotics software components: future evolutions of G en o M in the Orocos context | Mallet, Anthony and Fleury, Sara and Bruyninckx, Herman | 2002 | (E)BNF |
ortiz2014component | A Component-Based Meta-Model and Framework in the Model Driven Toolchain C-Forge | Ortiz, Francisco J and Alonso, Diego and Rosique, Francisca and S\ anchez-Ledesma, Francisco and Pastor, Juan A | 2014 | unknown |
In the Product Deployment phase, an application is tailored to a specific robot system. This includes also the installation of maintenance instrumentation and a final target platform system testing.
Key | Title | Authors | Year | Formalism |
fleurey2009domain | A domain specific modeling language supporting specification, simulation and execution of dynamic adaptive systems | Fleurey, Franck and Solberg, Arnor | 2009 | ecore |
In the Product Maintenance phase, the robot application is operated and maintained. This includes eventually the analysis of log files and the tuning of system parameters.
Key | Title | Authors | Year | Formalism |
dantam2011motion | The motion grammar for physical human-robot games | Dantam, Neil and Koine, P and Stilman, Mike | 2011 | other |
fleurey2009domain | A domain specific modeling language supporting specification, simulation and execution of dynamic adaptive systems | Fleurey, Franck and Solberg, Arnor | 2009 | ecore |
ramirez2011automatic | Automatic derivation of utility functions for monitoring software requirements | Ramirez, Andres J and Cheng, Betty HC | 2011 |
An important DSL is missing? Here is how to contribute! When using content of the Robotics DSL Zoo or referring to it, pleace consider citing our survey paper:
@article{nordmann2016survey, author = {Nordmann, Arne and Hochgeschwender, Nico and Wigand, Dennis Leroy and Wrede, Sebastian}, journal = {Journal of Software Engineering in Robotics (JOSER)}, number = {1}, pages = {75--99}, title = {{A Survey on Domain-Specific Modeling and Languages in Robotics}}, volume = {7}, year = {2016}, }